MyFinancial.desktop (MyFD) is retiring

MyFinancial.desktop (MyFD) is retiring to support UW Finance Transformation (UWFT) and the implementation of Workday Finance. To learn more see the Frequently Asked Questions.

How do I check my MyFD Authorizations?

Any UW employee can use ASTRA to view their MyFD authorizations.

  1. Login to ASTRA using your UW Net ID and password
  2. Click on "Show Me My Authorizations"
  3. ASTRA will display a list of authorizations including ASTRA Role, Application, Role, and Limit

For example, User, MyFD, Unit Staff (Inquiry), Budget 11-1111 would indicate that you have inquiry authorization for MyFD for Budget 11-1111.

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How do I log out of MyFD?

There is no logout button in MyFinancial.desktop. MyFD uses the same "weblogin" as many other UW applications, and therefore has the potential to sign out other applications using this service (MyUW, eTravel, WebPine, eFECS, etc.).

When you are finished browsing UW websites such as MyFinancial.desktop, always remember to log out of these sites and the UW NetID "weblogin" service before leaving your computer. To do so, simply exit your Web browser.

To learn more about the logout process, please visit: User's Computing Guide to UW NetID Weblogin

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