What are the best practices for faculty effort during a No-Cost Extension (NCE) on a federal award?

Federal agencies have different requirements. Some agencies may require the same level of effort as was proposed during the original term of the award, but others will not. For instance, NIH currently only requires a “measurable” level of effort for the PI and other key personnel during the term of the award, including any NCE periods. NSF takes a different view and assumes that the originally proposed effort will be spread over the entire award period, including any NCE periods.

FAQ Category

What are best practices to document the receipt of goods or services?

Verification, by either email or signature, would be noted on any of the following documents that contain an itemized list of the goods or services received: 

—Packing slip received with the goods
—Itemized vendor invoice
—Written request for purchase of goods or services
—Other itemized list of goods or services signed by a responsible individual

FAQ Category

Gift cards were purchased for use as study incentives and charged to a sponsored award. The Award has ended and the gift cards were not used. What do we do with the gift cards?

The value (cost) of the unused gift cards should be refunded to the sponsored award, since the gift cards were not used. The cost should be transferred to a non-sponsored award budget. The gift cards may then be used in accordance with the requirements of the funding source the cost of the gift cards was transferred to. For example, if the cost of the gift cards was transferred to a department budget, the gift cards should be used in accordance with the requirements or guidelines of the department budget.

Why can’t the UW use the federally-contracted reduced fares for hotels and airfare if the federal government requires compliance with the Fly America Act?

Federally-contracted reduced fares and room rates are negotiated with the airlines and hotels by the federal government for use by federal employees on federal travel. Federal employees pay for travel using a federally issued credit card so vendors can be assured that travel is being paid for by the federal government. State employees, however, may be traveling on any number of funding sources. It is up to each individual hotel or airline to decide if they will extend the federally-contracted reduced rate to state employees.

FAQ Category

Post Award Fiscal Compliance email: gcafco@uw.edu

For questions and issues relating to Effort Reporting, email: effortreporting@uw.edu

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