We would like to host a workshop funded by a Sponsor that includes meals (breakfast, lunch, and coffee/snacks). Do we need to have a sign-in sheet at each meal?

Yes, sign-in sheets will provide good supporting documentation for the number of people included in the cost of each meal. This will help to prove that the cost per person was within the allowed per diem for each meal.

FAQ Category

What if we plan for 50 attendees and the venue charges for 50, but only 45 show up, putting the meal cost per attendee over the per diem?

First, in planning the event and selecting the meal to be served, every effort should be made to have a margin between the planned meal cost and the allowable per diem. This will allow some cushion for no-shows before the per diem is exceeded. However, if the per diem is exceeded and the amount is reasonable, under the circumstances we would consider the additional cost allowable. There is still a possibility that an auditor would disagree and deem the excess unallowable.

FAQ Category

What if a hotel or other venue provides "complimentary" beverages and there is no charge to the grantee hosting the meeting?

Departments have an obligation to confirm that the beverages are truly complimentary and will not be reflected as a charge in another area. It is not acceptable for a vendor to embed the cost of beverages in other costs, such as meeting space. For more information, refer to PAFC's web page on Food Purchases on Sponsored Awards.

FAQ Category

Are alcohol or alcohol-related expenditures allowed on a Sponsored Award?

The purchase of alcohol and any costs associated with the purchase or provision of alcohol are not allowable, except where written sponsor approval has been received. For more information, see our web page on Food Purchases on Sponsored Awards. Alcohol and related purchases must be made on a discretionary budget.

FAQ Category

Is the charge for a Provisional Patent allowable?

Assuming this a federal grant, 2 CFR 200.448 Intellectual Property, which covers the allowability of patent costs, applies. The regulation does not makes a distinction for provisional patents, so the regulation would apply. If title to the patent or a royalty-free license is required to be conveyed to the federal government, the cost would be allowable when a provisional patent is required in order to secure the final patent.

FAQ Category

Post Award Fiscal Compliance email: gcafco@uw.edu

For questions and issues relating to Effort Reporting, email: effortreporting@uw.edu

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