MyFinancial.desktop (MyFD) is retiring

MyFinancial.desktop (MyFD) is retiring to support UW Finance Transformation (UWFT) and the implementation of Workday Finance. To learn more see the Frequently Asked Questions.

How will I know which reports to use in the future state of UWFT?

This will depend on whether you are accessing historical data (Fiscal Year 2023 and earlier) or future state data (Fiscal Year 2024 and later).

Historical Data: Reporting in MyFD will remain available until 6/30/2024. During this time, current users will be able to access historical data in the same way they always have. Once MyFD shuts down completely, this data will be accessible via the BI Portal, where a subset of MyFD reports is already available).

How will I access historical data after UWFT Go Live?

Reports and queries will remain available in MyFD until 6/30/2024. During this time, users will be able to run queries and reports the same way they do today to access historical data (Fiscal Year 2023 and earlier)

Once MyFD shuts down completely, this data will be accessible via the BI Portal, where a subset of MyFD reports is already available.