I have an Award where volunteers are contributing time and effort towards the objectives – is this considered Cost Share, and how do I document it?

Yes, the time and effort volunteers contribute to an Award would be considered Third Party Cost Share. In order to document the Cost Share, the volunteer (or the entity providing the volunteers) are required to submit a letter that identifies:

  • The number of volunteers,
  • The hourly rate for the volunteer(s) time (this would not be based on the volunteers prime profession but, instead, the same rate as other workers would make for the same work), and
  • How many hours the volunteer(s) expects to work at that rate.

Once the volunteer time is completed, the volunteer (or the entity providing the volunteers) are required to provide a letter that states:

  • The number of volunteers,
  • The total hours the volunteers contributed to the Award, and
  • The total value of the contribution based on the hourly rate of pay.

Please see the webpage on Third Party Cost Share for additional information.

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