Adjusting Cost Share

Effort Web Content has moved to PAFC

Effective 1/1/2023, the effort reporting compliance team within Sponsored Programs Finance moved from Management Accounting and Analysis (MAA) to Post Award Fiscal Compliance (PAFC). This encompasses a change in where web content for effort reporting is housed. Moving forward, it will be on PAFC's website ( under the Effort Reporting menu tab. Continual updates will be made throughout the rest of the calendar year (2023) to rebuild web content to reflect new systems and processes.

eFECs uses the committed cost share as the default for the actual cost share percent and amount displayed on the FEC. The 'Adjust/View Cost Share' feature in eFECS allows adjustment of the cost share percentages and amounts to reflect actual effort when different from the pledged/committed percentages.

While it is not uncommon for effort to vary from FEC cycle to FEC cycle, cost share should, in the long run, average out to the committed amount during the full budget period.

Once certified, the adjusted percent becomes the final cost share uploaded to the eFECS Cost Share Module. Cost share commitments (pledges) that are not adjusted become the actual cost share once the FEC is certified.

After changes to cost share have been made, an informational message will appear at the top of the Online FEC, 'Cost share commitments have been adjusted to reflect actual effort performed. View Details.' Selecting 'View Details' will display the cost share adjustments that have been made. These can only be edited until the FEC is certified.

Making the Adjustment

Individuals with the 'View and Update' ASTRA role assigned will see the 'Adjust/View Cost Share' button on the Online FEC.

Adding K Award and Shift Cost Sharing

  • '+Add Item' allows the addition of cost share required by a K Award or Short Term Shift using the exisiting FEC budgets.
  • No other cost share types may be added. Contact for assistance in setting up cost share for other cost share types.

  • To delete a K Award or Short Term Shift, Click 'Delete' and 'Save.' You will be returned to the Online FEC which will reflect the changes.
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