Follow Up Process

Effort Web Content has moved to PAFC

Effective 1/1/2023, the effort reporting compliance team within Sponsored Programs Finance moved from Management Accounting and Analysis (MAA) to Post Award Fiscal Compliance (PAFC). This encompasses a change in where web content for effort reporting is housed. Moving forward, it will be on PAFC's website ( under the Effort Reporting menu tab. Continual updates will be made throughout the rest of the calendar year (2023) to rebuild web content to reflect new systems and processes.

Management Accounting and Analysis will follow up on delinquent Faculty Effort Certification (FEC) reports.
  • Delinquent FEC reports are defined as those not certified by the "Complete By" date established for each respective FEC cycle.
  • This date is clearly displayed on each individual FEC.
The follow up procedure involves written notification sent to the faculty member, Department  Administrators and Chairs and FEC Coordinators as follows:
  • One day after the "Complete By" date:
    • Notification is sent to the FEC Coordinator responsible for reviewing the FEC.
  • Two weeks after the "Complete By" date, if the FEC is still not certified:
    • Notification is sent to the Department Administrator with copies to the faculty member, and the FEC Coordinator.
  • Four weeks after the "Complete By" date, if the FEC is still not certified:
    • A third and final notification will go to the Department Administrator with copies to the Department Chair Person, faculty member and the FEC Coordinator with instructions to remove the unsupported salary charges from any sponsored agreements reflected on the uncertified FEC.
  • MAA will continue to follow up on all delinquent effort reports until they are certified. This follow up includes weekly email and phone calls to Department FEC Coordinators and Administrators.

MAA is unable to grant extensions on the due date for FECs. It is therefore critical that review is timely to avoid any delinquent reports.



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